Phillip Phillips at Arena Anhembi in Sao Paulo – Brazil 9/19/2013


Phillip stepped into South America with its first concert in Argentina, then he came to Brazil to perform at Arena Anhembi in Sao Paulo. It was a success, drawing over 35,000 fans.

Phillip sang 7 songs in addition to some covers, the show lasted about 45 minutes.
Though performing for the first time in Brazil, he was surprised to see that the Brazilians could sing all his songs.

He celebrated his birthday in Brazil (9/20/2013), then the Brazilian fans had a surprise for him, they sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to Phill after his concert. I’m pretty sure he loved that surprise.

Drive Me
Where We Came From / Shake Ya Ass cover
Get Up Get Down
Man on the Moon
Gone, Gone, Gone
Wicked Games
Lets get it on cover

pamella-phillipThis concert was very special for many reasons, but most importantly it was the first time I would meet him after a long time waiting.
As you know, I got this site since Phillip was on American Idol, and I never had the chance to meet him, but all my hard work paid off, I finally met him.
I met him the night he arrived in Brazil (9/18), he recognized me, looked at me and said, ‘Are you Pam?’ and I said: ‘Yeah Phillip! Finally!’ then he held me tight.
At that moment I was sure that all my work was worth it. I want to thank him for being so wonderful to me. Also want to thank Hannah and Merrick. Thanks for everything.
Philatics you were also amazing to me, thank you for supporting me and making me believe, thank you for visiting the site and trusting in my work.

In May I started a project called ‘fanbook’ (more info), a book with pictures and messages to Phillip. There were messages from fans around the world and I promised the fans that I would deliver this book to him, and yes, I gave it to him personally, he loved it. #success

Thank you Philatics! 

Me and Phillip. He’s holding the fanbook.


Phillip arriving in Sao Paulo

Drive Me

Where We Came From / Shake Ya Ass cover

Get Up Get Down

Man on the Moon

Gone, Gone, Gone

Wicked Games

Lets get it on / Home


Happy B-Day to Phillip

Phillip on XYZ TV

Phillip’s instagram

Phillip’s twitter


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Meet & Greet com Phillip in SP
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Photos: M&G: Stephan Solon/XYZ Live  /  Concert: Felipe Cotrim
Credits: Live Music Rock / XYZ

Surpresa para o Phillip Phillips no Brasil – Surprise to Phillip in Brazil


Olá Philatic,

O Phillip fará dois shows no Brasil, um em São Paulo no dia 19/09 e outro no Rock in Rio, dia 21/09.
E como a maioria dos fãs sabem, dia 20/9 é aniversário do Phillip, e ele vai completar 23 anos aqui no Brasil, claro que não podemos deixar de homenagea-lo nesse dia tão especial.

E para demonstrar o nosso carinho por ele, nós precisamos da ajuda de todos os fãs! Nas duas apresentações, levem balões brancos e após a última música (Home) iremos cantar ‘Happy Birthday’ para o Phillip.
Fiquem ligados, assim que ele terminar de cantar ‘Home’, todos levantamos os balões brancos e começamos a cantar parabéns para o nosso ídolo.

Repassem para todos os amigos que também vão ao show. Vamos marcar esse dia como algo especial, e assim ele sempre vai se lembrar do carinho que nós, fãs Brasileiros, temos por ele!

Projeto FanBook
Um dos presentes que iremos entregar para o Phillip, é o FanBook feito com amor e carinho por todos os fãs do mundo inteiro, contendo fotos e mensagens. Temos certeza de que ele vai amar ver o quanto ele é querido por todos nós!
Obrigada a todos que participaram desse projeto!



Hi Philatic,

Phillip will come to Brazil for two concerts, Sao Paulo 19/09 and Rock in Rio 21/09.
as you know Phillip’s birthday is 9/20, and he will complete 23 years in Brazil, so lets make this day a very special day.

To show our love to him, we need the help of all fans! In both concerts, after his last song ‘Home’, let’s show white balloons and sing ‘Happy Birthday to you…’.
Stay tuned.

Spread to your friends. Let’s mark this special day, let’s show him that we are special fans, Brazilian fans!

Fanbook Project
The fanbook is done with love and affection for all fans in the world, with photos and messages. I’m sure he’ll love to see how much he is loved by us all!
Thanks to everyone who participated in this project!

Thank you guys!
