Search Results for: deep dive
Fans Review Phillip Phillips’ Collateral
If there’s one true fact about Phillip Phillips fans is that they are beautifully diverse: with a wide and eclectic musical taste, they come from many parts of the world and can be found among all age demographics and backgrounds. They are also true music lovers and passionate fans who have supported Phillip since the […]
Phillip Phillips and Dave Eggar at Stanford Live
Phillip Phillips and Dave Eggar played an intimate acoustic show last night at the beautiful Stanford Bing Concert Hall, in Stanford, CA. Although Phillip and Dave have played innumerable shows together in the last few years, this was the first time that they played a full acoustic show as a duo. With the prestigious Stanford […]
Celebrating Behind The Light – Song of the Week 5: FACE
Quietly hidden between the hopeful “Unpack Your Heart” and the uplifting “Midnight Sun,” is “Face,” our Song of the Week 5. Sneaked in between those two powerful songs, “Face” perfectly exemplifies the diversity of sound and emotion that we find in Behind the Light. As unique as “Thicket” in terms of concept and execution, “Face” […]
Phillip Phillips talk holiday plans
Check out ‘Examiner’ interview with Phillip Phillips. Q: What have you been up to since American idol? A: Just been staying really busy and going on tour and getting off that and doing the album. The album is coming out soon, so staying busy promoting that, so it is just non-stop. What are you favorite […]