Our Top Seven Phillip Phillips Songs so Far – Song Three – Magnetic

It has not been easy, but here we are, on our top three Phillip Phillips songs so far. So, what can we say about our pick for number three?

It’s an example of effective, economical songwriting. It’s Phillip taking on new risks. It’s a departure but also, it feels like coming home. It’s a single unlike any of Phillip’s previous singles. It’s sexy and sensual, organic yet sophisticated. The song is “Magnetic,” the bold opener of Collateral a year ago and the one that announced that Phillip Phillips was back and ready to play—play amazing music, that is.

The song builds steadily from the opening notes on the trumpet to a smouldering fireworks finale in the space of just over three minutes, an example of its fantastic songwriting efficiency; it has no more, no less of what it needs. And after dozens of listens, the vocals remain the most compelling: technically challenging but still full of grit and passion, a wonderful, soulful performance captured on record.

“Magnetic” belongs to this list, and as top three, because it represents a new era of writing for Phillip: a song dense in feeling and meaning presented in a sleek, catchy package. It’s one of Phillip’s best songs to date, both in its studio version and live, where it has become the foundation for beautiful jazzy interludes or epic guitar solos harking back to the classic rock tradition. “Magnetic” is bold and self-assured and sexy, a magnetic combination if there ever was one.

Read our previous review of “Magnetic” – What Makes a Song Sexy?

If you are missing any of Phillip Phillip’s three albums, visit his official site to listen/purchase. And click here to read about our previous top seven picks!